About This Book

Hello Everyone, This document which is located in HERE, provides information regarding the OWASP ZSC project

This information includes details about the project, users manual and the developer's guidelines.


This tool is related to IT, Hacking, Programming and Computer|Network|Software Security. The word “Hack”, "Pen testing",“Hacking” that is used on these pages shall be regarded as “Ethical Hack” or “Ethical Hacking” respectively. This book and this tool does not provide any illegal information.We do not promote hacking or software cracking. All the information provided on these pages is for educational purposes only.

The creator and contributors of this tool are not responsible for any misuse of the information.You shall not misuse the information to gain unauthorized access and/or write malicious programs.This information shall only be used to expand knowledge and not for causing malicious or damaging attacks.You may try all of these techniques on your own computer at your own risk.Performing any hack attempts/tests without written permission from the owner of the computer system is illegal.

Documentation is in progress

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